Friday, 6 February 2009

The problem of footpaths subject to ploughing


The problem of footpaths subject to ploughing and the problem of access through crops. There are a number of rights of way in Felsham that are subject to ploughing. There are regulations governing this:

"Paths across fields may be cultivated if there is no reasonable alternative. The path must then be reinstated within 14 days of the first disturbance and within 24 hours of any subsequent works. The following widths must be left:
Footpaths across fields – 1 metre
Footpaths around fields – 1.5 metres
Bridleways across fields – 2 metres
Bridleways around fields – 3 metres"

In Felsham a number of footpaths are subject to being ploughed. This can be a problem in both autumn and springtime.
See the map below for details:

(click map to enlarge)

Sometimes, crops can hinder progress across a field. Oilseed rape is a particular problem as it grows tall, tends to fall across the footpath and is frequently prohibitive to sufferers from asthma and respiratory problems.